Installation Guide¶
The package depends on Fortran Libraries, FFTW, HEALPix, cfitsio and LensPix. Source code for those is included with this package. You also need F2py and a fortran compiler to compile Fortran sources. Note that the F90 sources are written assuming the intel Fortran compiler.
The pakage can be downloaded from or type
git clone
Edit the shell file to add, e.g. for .bashrc.ext in NERSC
module load intel
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${path-to-cmblensplus}/F90/pub/Healpix/lib/:${path-to-cmblensplus}/F90/pub/cfitsio/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PYTHONPATH=${path-to-cmblensplus}/utils/:${path-to-cmblensplus}/wrap/:$PYTHONPATH
./ all
The script automatically install the public codes (FFTW, cfitsio, Healpix, Lenspix, and Lapack) at F90/pub/, and then the local sources at F90/. Then the script produces python modules using f2py. The python modules can be found in wrap/ for python 3. (wrap_py2 for python 2 is no longer supported)
Tips¶ not found
Indicating that ifort is not loaded appropriately.
Segmentation fault after installing everything
Some Healpix subroutine has a problem. One quick solution is to set “ulimit -s unlimited”