Installation Guide ================== Requirements ------------ The package depends on Fortran Libraries, FFTW, HEALPix, cfitsio and LensPix. Source code for those is included with this package. You also need F2py and a fortran compiler to compile Fortran sources. Note that the F90 sources are written assuming the intel Fortran compiler. Install ------- 0) The pakage can be downloaded from or type git clone 1) Edit the shell file to add, e.g. for .bashrc.ext in NERSC module load intel export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${path-to-cmblensplus}/F90/pub/Healpix/lib/:${path-to-cmblensplus}/F90/pub/cfitsio/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export PYTHONPATH=${path-to-cmblensplus}/utils/:${path-to-cmblensplus}/wrap/:$PYTHONPATH 2) ./ all The script automatically install the public codes (FFTW, cfitsio, Healpix, Lenspix, and Lapack) at F90/pub/, and then the local sources at F90/. Then the script produces python modules using f2py. The python modules can be found in wrap/ for python 3. (wrap_py2 for python 2 is no longer supported) Tips ---- - not found Indicating that ifort is not loaded appropriately. - Segmentation fault after installing everything Some Healpix subroutine has a problem. One quick solution is to set "ulimit -s unlimited"